The Commons Hub is a co-working, co-living and event venue in the Austrian Alps that harbours artists, digital movements and decentralized communities exploring the liberatory potential of emerging technologies. It operates the first validator node of the Interchain backed by an intentional, place-based web3 community.

To us, on-chain governance is much more than the technical management of servers and money. Our ambition for the Cosmos ecosystem is to open pluralistic discussions around culture and politics to steer the evolution of the Interchain towards a democratic, distributed, resilient global infrastructure for the Commons.

We believe that digital movements and communities can immensely benefit from permanent physical spaces to mingle and socialise, build shared meaning and history, as well as experiment with technology and narratives on a small scale before going out into the wild.

The Commons Hub‘s intimate atmosphere fosters deep and lasting connections among peers, and balances the often stressful experience of digital work with stunning natural surroundings. Building on our experience in hosting events and digital nomads since 2021, in the coming year we will use proceeds of the validator node to:

- renovate the kitchen and sanitary facilities;
- expand guest beds from currently 23 to 40;
- shift to renewable heating and solar energy production;
- establish a wood, metal and IoT FabLab;
- and expand our IoT-supported permaculture garden.

In order to fund these improvements, as well as a secure, reliable and resilient technical setup, we charge a commission rate of 10%, with a maximum commission rate of 15% and a maximum commission change rate of 0.1% daily.

Currently, you can stake your ATOM, REGEN, STRIDE and NEUTRON with us. We look forward to expanding this service to more Cosmos chains soon!

System Setup

The Commons Hub operates the first validator node of the Interchain backed by an intentional, place-based web3 community. Our ambition for the Cosmos ecosystem is to open pluralistic discussions around culture and politics to steer the evolution of the Interchain towards a democratic, distributed, resilient global infrastructure for the Commons. Currently, you can stake your $ATOM and $REGEN with us. We charge a commission rate of 10%, with a maximum rate of 15% and a maximum rate change of 0.1% daily.
Revenues go to maintenance of a secure, reliable and resilient technical setup as well as crucial improvements in the Hub:

• renovation of kitchen and sanitary facilities
• expansion of guest beds from currently 23 to 40
• shift to renewable heating and solar energy production
• a wood, metal and IoT FabLab
• an IoT-supported permaculture garden

Let's Connect

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Validator Node